Biblio #5 イエスの本物の弟子になるコスト/The cost to be a Jesus' true disciple

[English below]今回から「Discovery Gospel(福音を発見する)」によって、聖書を学びました!
(「Discovery Gospel」とはコチラまで


今回の聖書箇所: ルカ14:12-35
①25大ぜいの群衆がついてきたので、イエスは彼らの方に向いて言われた、 26「だれでも、父、母、妻、子、兄弟、姉妹、さらに自分の命までも捨てて、わたしのもとに来るのでなければ、わたしの弟子となることはできない。 27自分の十字架を負うてわたしについて来るものでなければ、わたしの弟子となることはできない。 
②28あなたがたのうちで、だれかが邸宅を建てようと思うなら、それを仕上げるのに足りるだけの金を持っているかどうかを見るため、まず、すわってその費用を計算しないだろうか。 29そうしないと、土台をすえただけで完成することができず、見ているみんなの人が、 30『あの人は建てかけたが、仕上げができなかった』と言ってあざ笑うようになろう。 
③31また、どんな王でも、ほかの王と戦いを交えるために出て行く場合には、まず座して、こちらの一万人をもって、二万人を率いて向かって来る敵に対抗できるかどうか、考えて見ないだろうか。 32もし自分の力にあまれば、敵がまだ遠くにいるうちに、使者を送って、和を求めるであろう。 33それと同じように、あなたがたのうちで、自分の財産をことごとく捨て切るものでなくては、わたしの弟子となることはできない。 
34塩は良いものだ。しかし、塩もききめがなくなったら、何によって塩味が取りもどされようか。 35土にも肥料にも役立たず、外に投げ捨てられてしまう。聞く耳のあるものは聞くがよい
Q. 何を発見できたの?
  • ①イエスの弟子になる者は、誰よりもイエスを愛し、イエスを優先順位のNo.1とすることを求められる
  • ②家を建てる際、家を完成させるに十分な備えが必要。
  • ③敵の軍隊を倒すために、敵に勝つ見込みがなければ、戦いに出ることはできない。
  • ①本物のイエスの弟子は神の計画された働きを実現することができる
  • ②神がデザインされた家を完成することができる
  • ③どんな戦いにも勝利できる
Q. どんな福音が発見できたの?
  • (25)イエスがまさに最も大切なもの(神の国の王座、神との関係等)をまず捨て、与えられた十字架を背負い、父なる神の弟子になられた。その弟子は大いに神の働きをし、人の罪からの救いを完成させた。
  • (34)すでに塩気を失い絶望している私たち人に、本来の(神がデザインした)塩気を回復させるために、イエスはご自分の塩気をすべて使う(十字架で死ぬ)ことによって、私たちに神にある塩気を回復させてくださった。
  • 私たちが認識すること:私たちの力では、イエスを信じることも、弟子としてついていくこともできない。でも神の恵みと聖霊の力のみによって、このイエスを信じること、日々心から信頼することが可能となり、イエスの本当の弟子になることができる。
「Discovery Gospel(福音の発見)」には、毎回心が動かされます。
Hi, dear friends!
From this time, we read the Bible with "Discovery Gospel" method. (For more info, pls. refer to
From Luke14:12-35
①25A large crowd was following Jesus. He turned around and said to them, 26“If you want to be my disciple, you must hate everyone else by comparison—your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple. 27And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple.
②28“But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?29Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. 30They would say, ‘There’s the person who started that building and couldn’t afford to finish it!’
③31“Or what king would go to war against another king without first sitting down with his counselors to discuss whether his army of 10,000 could defeat the 20,000 soldiers marching against him? 32And if he can’t, he will send a delegation to discuss terms of peace while the enemy is still far away. 33So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own.
34“Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? 35Flavorless salt is good neither for the soil nor for the manure pile. It is thrown away. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!”
Q. What did we discover from the verses?
Three stories(①、②、③) in the verses which Jesus shared with the crowd are all the same. Each of them show how significant it is for those who want to follow Jesus to have 100% commitment to Him. 
  • ①Jesus expects that if you want to be a disciple of Jesus, you need to love Him more than any other close persons of yours and prioritize Him as No.1 in your life.
  • ②When you build a house, you need to be ready financially, materially and technically for it or you will fail along the way. 
  • ③You can not wage war against your enemies unless you calculate that you are stronger than them. 
Jesus is actually saying if you want to follow Him to be His disciple, follow Him with 100% commitment. with incomplete heart, you should not go to him. 
Yet if you have strong enough commitment to follow Jesus, I believe there will be great rewards as a result.   So a true disciple of Jesus...
  • ① can be used fully and fulfill God's plans
  • ② can build the house that God has designed
  • ③ can defeat any enemies in life no matter what
Q.What Gospel did we discover from here?
  • (25)Jesus is the one who first threw away the most important things; the throne in the heaven and the intimate relationship with the heavenly Father. and Jesus carried his cross, his destiny and became the first true disciple of the Father. and with the disciple, God completed his salvation plan for the sinful. 
  • (34)For all of us as God designed salt who already lost its saltiness because of our sins, yet Jesus, the true salt came to us and gave all his effectiveness and power through the cross and resurrection in order to get our true saltiness back in the relationship with God. 
  • Our necessary Recognition to the Gospel:  we all deeply need to acknowledge that we are no matter what unable even to believe Jesus and become His disciple by our own strengths. Yet the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit alone we can believe, be relying on Jesus and become a true follower of Him. So be relieved and depend on His grace! 
Honestly I have been moved a lot by this "Discovery Gospel". Thank God!